You already know what it takes.
You just need to know the secrets that most successful agents don’t want to share.
I got you!
Learn how to show up every day, grow your real estate biz and make a 6-figure income by spending half the amount of time in the office than a regular 9-5 (and still be present for your fam).
Even if you’re a newbie and don’t have the slightest clue where to begin. Even if you’re a single mom struggling to make ends meet.
You are absolutely capable of making a six figure salary in real estate and still have the time to live your best life.
These courses are exactly what you have been looking for.

Nicole Briggs's Course Suite
It’s my mission to help women like you transform your real estate career into a purpose driven, sustainable and successful business fueled by repeat/referral customers AND still have the freedom and the time to do the things you love.
I believe it doesn’t have to be either, or. You can have it all.
And I'll show you how.
How To Build A CRM Sales Funnel
Unlock the power of done-for-you email campaigns and a sales funnel designed to boost conversions with Nikki B's Star Send! 🚀
This package includes expertly crafted email campaigns for New Lead Registrants, Long-Term Drip Campaigns, and leads in the process of Pre-qualification. 📧 Get a complete walkthrough of my Sales System, plus a behind-the-scenes look at my workflows, so you can easily set them up too.
With step-by-step video guidance and funnel map-out, 🎥 I'll walk you through every detail, ensuring you efficiently implement the sales system, sales funnel, and 5-Star Customer Journey ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ that you and your clients deserve.
This is the #1 thing most Realtors procrastinate doing... I've made this very simple for you... Take the guess work out of your CRM and follow a proven system here with Starsend.