How I’m on Track to Sell 50 Homes This Year (Despite a Pandemic)
Has the pandemic taken a toll on your business (and your optimism)?
Have the past few months been a real doozy to your real estate biz?
If you’re like many other agents out there, you’ve been riding out these past few months like a SoCal surfer looking to catch a wave on Lake Tahoe in the middle of winter.
Maybe you’ve had an interested buyer here and there, but they back out last minute or say they’re “waiting” until the market has stabilized. Meanwhile, your bank account is slowly getting depleted from zero closings and sad buying Chinese take out.
Take heart, here's a few things we know to be true:
Unlike the economic crisis of 2008, the current recession was not caused by the housing industry
Home prices have not decreased since March and are not projected to
Homes are still selling and deals are happening
So what can you do differently?
I have a few suggestions:
- Every website visitor, call-in, like, comment and share is an opportunity. Reach out to these folks and let them know you’re there for them and they can count on you if they need anything. Be a friend, not a creepy, salesy pickle.
- Talk more (as if we realtors didn’t talk enough). Meet your local biz owners, support your community, engage in great causes and use your platform as a launching pad for good. Make connections and be genuine. Get involved In your community and make friends with everyone you can.
- Express gratitude to your past clients. Give them a ring to see how they’re managing in these uncertain times and offer your services. They’ll be thinking, “Man, my realtor really rocks!” It will make your clients feel like a million bucks to know that you actually care.
And that’s it!
There is no “secret sauce” to good service. Only that the good you do will be remembered and paid forward.